Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Day of School 2009

On August 26th, 2009, the kids had their first day of school. This is the first year that all 3 kids are at school! Yes, that means my mornings are "free".

Ethan is in Kindergarten, Kamryn's in 1st Grade, and Reagan is now in the upper elememtary grades--4th grade! That one I still can't wrap my head around. At 5:00pm the night before school is when the classes and teachers are posted. It's ususally such a mob at that time that we allow those insane individuals fight the crowds, we peacefully eat our dinner and just before bed take a little drive up to the school to see which teacher they each were assigned. This year talk about conincidences! Both Reagan and Kamryn got the same teachers they had had in kindergarten AND were both in the same classrooms they were in LAST year!!! What are the chances of that happening with one child, let alone two in the SAME family??? All I know is I think I was jumping up and down higher than the girls because I love both teachers!

THIS is going to be a GREAT year!!!!!

Ethan-Kindergarten-Mrs. Bowman Kamryn-First Grade-Mrs. Hemphill

Reagan-Fourth Grade-Mrs. Cantwell

Blog Challanged

I am dying to update my blog, but I am seriously blog challenged. So for all of you out there that really do have "the cutest blog on the block", which are my family and friends, would you please tell me where/how to:

1. Make a slide show of all my pictures
2. Get the layout to look cute including fonts. Even my font choices are so limited.

I am good at creating tangible items, but when it comes to creating something electronically, oh boy!!!!

I appreciate any and all of your support. =)